The Scientifically Proven Way To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You...
Use This Love Potion To Finally Date The Women You Want!

Dear Friend,
Have you wondered what makes a woman fall in love with a man?
I'll give you a clue...
It has nothing to do with how you look, how much money you have in your bank, or what car you drive.
In fact if you want to know the truth about what really makes a woman fall in love and chase a man...
You MUST forget everything you've learned from romantic comedies, dating coaches, and pickup artists. Because...
Everything You've Been Told About Love And Attraction Is A Lie...
I'm going to let you in on a little secret...
Love is not a choice.
A woman does not consciously choose who she's attracted to.
99% of women couldn't even tell you what makes them attracted to and eventually fall in love with a man.
In fact until recently scientists haven't had a clue about what makes a woman fall for a man. Until...
This Groundbreaking Discovery Blew The Lid Off Everything We Know About Female Love And Attraction...
Before making this discovery I was terrible with women. I tried everything I could do to make them want to date me.
Most of the girls I liked either flat out rejected me or told me thinks like...
"I just don't see you that way."
"Do you just want to be friends?"
I hit rock bottom when my first girlfriend Karen... the girl who I was convinced was "the one"... left me for a sleazy bartender.
I'd spent hundreds... maybe thousands of dollars on drinks and dinner dates, and she left me for this loser without saying goodbye.
I was in shambles.
I'd done everything by the book and the girl of my dreams wanted nothing to do with me...
This Tiny Decision Changed My Life And Made Me Irresistible To Women...
In college, I had studied psychology...
I'm a total psychology geek. So I figured, hey that would be as good of a place as any to start looking for answers about what women really want...
So I opened back up all my old textbooks...
And bought every new book I could on the psychology of women and sex...
My room was littered with studies and articles strewn across the floor, with highlighters and bookmarks in everything...
And the more research I did... the more I started to see a shocking trend...
The Romantic Revolution That Women Don't Want You To Know About!

Almost all experts in the field agree:
We are going through a romantic revolution...
Women all around the world today are having an erotic re-awakening...
Every woman knows about it. She talks about it with her friends. But she would never tell you, as a's women's best kept secret...
You see over the last 3 years, with the rise of radical feminism and the new "hookup" culture...
The dating game has changed...
It's happening all around the world...
Over the last 3 years women have steadily become more and more aggressive when they want a man...
The Rotten Lie That's Ruining Most Guys Dating Lives...
Listen this trend caught me off guard...
For my entire life I'd been taught that it was a man's job to pursue a woman and make her fall in love with him.
That was before I stumbled across a little known psychological law that would soon change everything in my dating life...
It's called Effort Justification...
What exactly is "effort justification"?
It's the law of human psychology that states:
The more effort we put into pursuing someone, the more we justify why we must continue to do it.
This applies to pursuing women, money, success... anything.
And here's what this means for you:
The more effort SHE puts into you, the more interested in you she becomes.
How To Become The Man That Women Chase And Fall In Love With...

Now I'd seen women pursue men before. But these guys were all super rich, good looking, and famous.
I needed to find something that regular... average to below average looking guys... could do to make women pursue them.
So I spent night after sleepless night searching for ways that regular guys could make women chase them...
Whiteboards and notebooks full of research crowded my room... there was barely room to sleep!
After 6 months of careful research in the fields of science, psychology, romance, and seduction I compiled a list of techniques that average guys could use to make beautiful women chase them.
I call them my "Chase Triggers"!
After I came up with a list of my best ones...
I spent 6 more months testing them on women in every imaginable situation...
Some of them proved to work every single time, like clockwork.
And some of them needed a little tweaking before I could claim they worked almost every time with a straight face...
I made a few tweaks to the triggers so that they were more suited for "real life" situations...
So this went on for months... refining the chase triggers... and screwing up a lot along the way...
Until finally, I went on a run where 11 women in a row didn't reject me!
Can These Powerful Chase Triggers Really Work For Any Guy?
So I knew that these triggers worked for me but I wanted to find a way that ANY guy could use them.
I worked tirelessly to condense them into a step by step system that would give regular guys all the tools they need to make women fall in love with them.
A system unlike anything else out there... that would completely transform the dating lives of a few lucky men...
And that system is "The Elixir of Eros"...
Which means "The Love Potion Of The Gods".
I picked that name because for thousands of years men have searched high and low for love potions and aphrodisiacs...
And while I don't claim that this system is a magical love potion or anything...
I DO claim that it's the closest thing ever invented to that...
It's Never Been Easier To Get This Groundbreaking Attraction System...
6 months ago, I released this system to a test group of 34 men...
And today, I'm running a few test ads and opening up a few more spots in that test group...
This is probably the only time I EVER plan on releasing these secrets to the public...
I want the right kind of guys for my test group.
This means that I'm going to have to close the door on a lot guys who aren't the right fit for my new test group...
The reason I'm so selective about who I allow into my test group is because...
I'm holding myself personally accountable for your success!
If you're accepted into the program, I'm going to be working very closely with you every step of the way...
Here Is Just A Small Taste Of What You'll Learn If You're Accepted In The Elixir Of Eros Test Group:
- 7 "temptation" lines that make a woman chase you. Slip just one of these into your next normal conversation and notice how her pupils dilate and she starts blushing more... If you slip another temptation line into the same conversation, you'll love when her hand slides over your thigh and she makes the first move on you.
- How to "plant" hot fantasies about you inside of a woman's head, so that they play over and over again when you're not around her, and she can never stop thinking about you.
- The "fatal flaw" in the female mind that makes her ignore every other man in her life, and see you as the only option she wants. This one is sneaky, but when you exploit this flaw, she's totally yours - even if she's currently "taken".
- 7 "instant horniness triggers" to use in any situation, that cause women to notice you, lock eyes, and after a few short seconds, walk up to you, smile and shyly introduce themselves... all without you saying a word or approaching her.
- The braindead simple "romeo and juliet" technique that makes a woman chase you, ask you out, and even drag you into bed.
- You'll discover a technique that women have used for years to have men eating out of the palm of their hand. Steal it from her, and use it against her, so she's doing all the work to seduce you.
- Some girls want to have sex the first night you meet her, and they'll hold it against you if you don't make a move then. Other girls need a few more dates to feel comfortable enough to have sex with you. I'll show you my foolproof test that tells you without a shadow of doubt when the perfect time to get sexual with her is.
- Say these 7 words to a woman on your second date, and it won't matter if she's the shyest girl in the world. She'll relentlessly pursue you the rest of the date, and either insist that you go home together, or at very least demand that you make plans for a third date.
- And so much more...
What's The Power To Finally Gain Control Of Your Dating Life Worth?
Now you may be wondering how you can qualify for The Elixir Of Eros, and if you do qualify, how much does it cost?
We all know the cost of not having this part of your life handled, the hundreds of dollars spent on dates, dinners, and gifts.
What do you think it's worth to finally have the confidence to date the woman that you want?
This technique won't only improve your dating life it will improve your self esteem, well being, and overall sense of happiness.
You're About To Receive This Incredible System At An All Time Low Price...
At first, I didn't want to charge a penny less than $699 for the Elixir Of Eros. With the bonuses I'll tell you about in a minute, that would be a steal, but you won't be paying $699.
You won't pay half of that...
You won't even pay $150...
By ordering now, you'll get my breakthrough attraction system, the Elixir Of Eros, for only $67.
Plus, since you're here with us now, I'm including nine bonuses that I'm about to show you. And the best part is... your purchase is guaranteed.
You Mean I Don't Have To Pay A Dime If I Don't Get A Date With The Girl I've Been Thinking About This Presentation!
If this program isn't for you then we don't want your money... PERIOD!
Even if you don't like the sound of my voice. Send me an email within 60 days and we'll refund every penny of your purchase.
You have nothing to to risk and everything to gain. Just click the button below.

Here Are The Nine Life-Changing Bonus Products I'm Including Free With Your Purchase...
Friend-Zone to Sex-Zone
This normally sells for $107 but it's yours free.
Do you have a female friend who you'd give anything to hook up with? In this bonus, you get my bulletproof system that turns "platonic" friendships into steamy, sweaty, sexual relationships.
X-Ray Vision
This usually sells for $97 but is yours for free with your purchase.
In this bonus you'll learn the subtle signs that a woman wants you. You'll know the instant the Elixir Or Eros starts working, so you know exactly when to make your move.
Facebook Seduction
This normally sells for $39.99 but is free.
Almost everyone is on Facebook these days. It's a treasure trove of hot girls.
In this exclusive bonus, you'll learn how to get girls friending you, what to message them, and how to get them to agree to meet up for a date, even if you've been out of touch for years.
Only You
This normally sells for $39.99 but is yours free with your purchase.
This is the guide to "cheat proofing" your relationship. When a girl is unfaithful, it causes a whirlwind of pain. I've been there, and it sucks, but after going through this exclusive bonus, you won't have to worry about a girl being unfaithful because you've taken the proper steps in the correct order to make sure she doesn't stray from you.
Online Attraction Formula...
This normally sells for $69.99 but is free with your purchase.
You'll learn how to win at online dating. You'll get the secret sequence of messages that's been proven over and over again to get girls on online dating sites not only responding to your messages, but begging you to "hang out".
Speaking Womanese
This usually sells for $97 but is yours for free.
You'll learn the way that women communicate to one another. When you learn the simple tricks in this bonus you'll talk to her in a way that makes her think "he just gets me".
Tinder Secrets
This retails at $37 but is included for free.
If you have a Smartphone, then there are hundreds of single women in your area using cell phone apps like Tinder to meet men. In this exclusive e-book, you'll discover the secrets of designing an attractive profile that women can't say no to.
You'll get the most effective, tested opening lines to use and learn what to say next to get her interested in meeting up with you.
Hookup Handbook
This retails for $49 but is included for free.
In this bonus, you'll learn 20 ultra-specific, ultra-effective ways to convince a girl to come back to your apartment or house.
It doesn't matter if you're on a date with her or you just met her that day. You'll know exactly step-to-step how to escalate things, so that you're silky smooth every time you want to make a move on a girl.
Text Game Mastery
This retails at $37... but is included for free with your purchase.
Do you want to have meet up with a girl whose number is in your phone? In this bonus, we're making it easy, even if you haven't texted her in ages.
You'll learn the exact messages word for word that make almost any girl in your phone want to meet up for a "date".
The Pursuit Institute
You're also eligible for a 14-day free trial to my advanced coaching seminar, The Pursuit Institute.
That's a $49.90 value... free with your purchase.
I'm A Little Out Of My Mind To Give Up Over $574 Worth Of Bonuses For Free With Your Purchase...
Yeah, that's exactly what you're getting because you're here at the right time.
Just click the button below to get started now! Break that price down over the next two months, and it comes out to $1.13 a day. That's less than the price of a cup of coffee. Your satisfaction is guaranteed and the risk is all on my side.
Here's what's going to happen when you click the button below. You'll be taken to my secure order form. I've encrypted it with 256-bit encryption software to make sure your personal information is SAFE AND SECURE... which means no one else will know about your purchase except for you and me.
You'll just fill out the simple form, enter your payment information, and click the "Place Your Order" button and then you'll immediately get access to your 60-day money back guarantee of the Elixir Of Eros.
No hidden charges, no risk of losing your money. Just control and happiness in your dating life.

Right Now You Have A Life Changing Decision To Make...
Option One is the risky choice...
You can choose to do nothing... and yes, "doing nothing" is a choice although it's not a very manly one.
If you choose the path of inaction, you'll give up your spot to some other guy. You never know, maybe he'll be man enough to use it on a girl you like.
You'll risk staying lonely forever and you'll risk never getting this problem handled and never enjoying the life that you really want. I've seen it happen to men before, and it's sad to watch.
Or you can take Option Two... THE MAN'S CHOICE!
Risk nothing. Click the button below this video right now and get the life changing Elixir Of Eros for just $67.
You'll have the powerful lovable man techniques that make women chase you.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed for a full 60 days so you're not risking a penny. You can use it to date that one girl that you've had your eye on for ages, or you can use it to test the waters, until you find the right girl for you.
Do not let your hesitation hold you back. That's the same thing that's held you back around women you like. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and take action.
Click the button and get what you crave, control and satisfaction in your dating life!